In conjunction with Holistic Theology and other holistic sciences, the following Holistic Theory of Emotions can serve as a foundation for a Holistic Psychology. The tables referenced below can be found in How It is Done.
1. Abstract universals and their realizations. The 28 consonants of Arabic are signs that refer to the 28 universals of Table 1. These are abstract processes with abstract polarities. The effect of their interpretation on the mind is meaning or semantics. For the purposes of this theory, abstract universals refer to real objects in:
a) the world of emotions
b) the environment in which emotions arise
c) the world of mental processes
Common realizations of abstract polarities and processes are listed in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. These realizations are adapted to each world, thus creating discipline-specific realizations. The realizations discussed below can be extended by adapting more realizations from the tables or by identifying other realizations of the abstract universals.
2. Triggering of emotions. Based on assessment of input (what is observed or experienced, including the environment), a decision is made by the mind, the brain or another decision maker whether or not to trigger emotion, what type of emotion to trigger and which polarity of emotion.
Assessment of input includes determining its process type and polarity. Examples include:
information or data and its polarity, e.g., destructive, weak, uncertain, hidden
a manifestation—person, activity, or event
manifestation of force
application of law (legal assessment)
violation of sovereign area or territory
self evaluation
personal experience, experience with others
Decision to trigger emotions is done in stages: initial, intermediate, and final. Transition to a later stage is emotional escalation.
3. Emotional polarities. These are realizations of abstract polarities adapted to the world of emotions.
Each of these polarities may have both good and bad uses. Below are the emotional polarities mentioned in Results 1-39, listed under the corresponding abstract polarities.
closed-self: calming, restraining, inhibitory, positive, complementary, perfect, input, receive, familiar, response, reactive
open-self: directed, excitatory, negative, lacking, need, weakness, vulnerability, deficient, unfamiliar, output, offer, send, stimulus
closed-others: engagement, balanced, balancing, stabilizing, constructive, supportive, reward, mutual, reciprocate, compare, internal
open-others: disengagement, detachment, exclusive, targeted, special, excessive, destructive, defensive, aggressive, attack, punish, contrast, distinguish, external, third-party
4. Elementary emotions. Elementary emotions are attention, emotional activity and emotional force. They are emotional realizations of the three elementary processes—assignment, manifestation and containment. An elementary emotion always is paired with an emotional polarity.
Attention (assignment). Attention is low-intensity emotion. Attention also can be used to control the triggering of emotion. Below are different polarities of attention demonstrated by theories about specific emotions from word roots.
closed-self attention: positive attention, attention for input, attention to familiarity
To “feel” (emotion) is to respond to a personal experience with repeated mental triggering of emotional force that is tagged with attention to familiarity.
To “feel” (as with feelers) is to repeatedly trigger attention for input measurement from a personal experience.
open-self attention: negative attention, directed attention, triggering of emotion using directed attention
To “wish” or to “want” is when attention is directed while dealing with something.
“Sad reaction” is a mental decision to trigger negative attention after assessing input.
“Kindness” or “compassion” is the triggering—using directed attention—of positive attention-based emotional activity in response to appearance or display of emotional need, weakness or vulnerability.
“Sorrow” is triggering—using directed attention—of negative emotional activity based on input assessment.
closed-others attention: attention with engagement, attention-based balancing of emotion (Part 11 below)
“Love” (version 1) is when attention with engagement is used to trigger continued emotional interaction (engaged or mutual activity).
open-others attention: exclusive attention (targeting)
“Desire” or “lust” is when exclusive attention triggers excitatory systemic emotion.
“Worry” or “anxiety” is exclusive attention that triggers continuous reactive emotional activity.
Emotional activity (manifestation). Emotional activity has medium-intensity. An emotional state or attitude simply is ongoing emotional activity. Manifestation also is realized as emotional appearance or display of emotion.
“Sorrow” is a decision by the mind to trigger negative emotional activity after input assessment.
“Fear” is a decision by the mind to trigger excitatory emotional activity while observing a manifestation of destructive force.
“Worry” or “anxiety” is exclusive attention that triggers continuous reactive emotional activity.
To “rejoice” is a decision by the mind to react with excitatory emotional activity to a personal experience.
“Faith” or “trust” is the triggering under the control of directed attention of positive emotional attitude after assessment of information as uncertain.
“Mercy” or “womb” is an emotional, biological and social commitment (decision) to respond to living beings with positive emotional, biological and social activity.
“Delight” or “pleasure” is attention-controlled excitatory emotional activity that triggers continuous special emotional activity.
“Envy” is attention-controlled emotional force used to respond to one's comparing emotional attitude (the input) with inhibitory (rejecting) systemic emotion.
Emotional force (containment). Emotional force is high-intensity emotion. Containment also is realized as emotional energy, emotional strength or emotional control (see Table 5). Open-self containment is realized as negative emotional force, emotional weakness, emotional need (lacking containment) or loose control.
“Sadness” is a decision by the mind to trigger a negative emotional force after assessing a personal experience.
“Prejudice” is a final decision by the mind to trigger a negative emotional force after examining an experience with another person.
“Justified hate” is the use of destructive emotional force (aggressive feelings and thoughts) to defend oneself or others against a violation based on legal assessment. “Justified anger” is the escalation of justified hate, i.e., from feelings and thoughts to words and actions.
“Jealousy” is attention-controlled emotional restraining activity triggered in response to emotional force from a third party.
“Satisfaction” or “happiness” is emotional activity to trigger complementary (completing) emotional energy in response to emotional need.
5. Compound emotions. Compound emotions are realizations of combinations of the elementary processes. They simply may be combinations of elementary emotions, but also may result in a new emotional effect. A compound emotion always is paired with an emotional polarity. Below, each compound emotion is followed by examples of emotional effects.
Attention + emotional activity (assignment + manifestation): emotional activity controlled by attention (e.g., attention for input—closed-self polarity), attention-based emotional activity, emotional decision, emotional commitment
“Grudge” is a feedback loop with attention-based excitatory emotional activity that is used to maintain or amplify response to destructive or excessive emotional force.
“Expectation” is emotional activity controlled by attention for input.
“Hope” is to expect something constructive.
“Kindness” or “compassion” is the triggering—using directed attention—of positive attention-based emotional activity in response to appearance or display of emotional need, weakness or vulnerability.
“Mercy” or “womb” is an emotional, biological and social commitment (decision) to respond to living beings with positive emotional, biological and social activity.
“Delight” or “pleasure” is attention-controlled excitatory emotional activity that triggers continuous special emotional activity.
Attention + emotional force (assignment + containment): attention-controlled emotional force or energy, attention for measurement (sensing)
To “feel” (to have a feeling) is to have the mind repeatedly trigger an emotional force or energy tagged with familiar attention in response to personal experience.
To “feel” (as with feelers) is to repeatedly trigger attention for input quantity from a personal experience.
Emotional activity + emotional force (manifestation + containment): application of emotional force or energy, emotional control, emotional effort, emotional field of energy, mood (manifestation of emotional force), use of emotional force, emotional pressure, violent emotion, emotional coercion
“Tranquility” is when input assessment triggers a calming emotional field to deal with an excitatory emotional force.
“Despair” (version 2) is balancing (evening out) application of emotional forces between constructive and negative emotional forces.
“Gratitude” is attention-controlled triggering of emotional activity to respond with a positive field of emotion to systemic emotion offered by others.
“Obsessive hate” or “phobia” is emotional entanglement (caused by lacking emotional control) with a destructive or excessive force.
Attention + emotional activity + emotional force
(assignment + manifestation + containment): systemic emotion (emotion that affects the whole person), attention-controlled application of emotional force or energy
“Systemic fear” is a decision by the mind to trigger systemic excitatory emotion upon observing a manifestation of destructive force.
“Tenderness” is attention-controlled application of positive emotional energy in response to continued emotional weakness.
“Envy” is attention-controlled emotional force used to respond to one's comparing emotional attitude (the input) with inhibitory (rejecting) systemic emotion.
6. Emotional feedback loop. Emotional triggering mechanism in which triggered emotion is reused as input for the same triggering function. The effect is to maintain, regulate, attenuate or amplify emotion.
“Grudge” is a feedback loop with attention-based excitatory emotional activity that is used to maintain or amplify response to destructive or excessive emotional force.
“Love” (version 2) is a feedback loop with attention-controlled emotional engagement activity used to maintain or amplify positive systemic emotion.
“Joy” is repeated or feedback-loop-amplified triggering of positive attention-based emotional activity in processing of sensory input.
7. Repeated emotion. Repeated emotion also manifests itself as continued or intense emotion.
“Love” (version 1) is when attention with engagement is used to trigger continued emotional interaction.
8. Emotional entanglement or emotional control bond. As controller of emotions, the mind may suffer imperfections such as loose control, deficiencies, weaknesses or needs. This may lead to an entanglement or bond with a destructive or constructive emotional force (e.g., internal or external powerful persons or phenomena) or an excessive emotional force (e.g., insatiable appetite). This is called emotional entanglement or emotional control bond. Manifestations may include negative forms (entanglements) such as phobias, fanaticism, obsession and addiction, and positive forms (bonds) such as love, loyalty and dedication.
“Obsessive hate” or “phobia” is emotional entanglement with a destructive or excessive force. “Uncontrolled anger or aggression” is the effect of escalation of obsessive hate or phobia, i.e., escalation of emotional entanglement with a destructive or excessive force.
9. Emotional instability, conflict or deadlock. One emotion is triggered and then reprocessed by triggering an emotion with opposite polarity. The attribute “engagement” is added if the opposite polarity pair is closed-others (emotional engagement) and open-others (emotional disengagement or detachment). If the polarities involved are closed-self and open-self, then the attribute “boundary” is added.
“Capricious love” is attention engagement instability (attention with engagement stymied by attention with detachment).
“Unspeakable,” “shocking” or “disgusting” is systemic emotional boundary conflict. Systemic restraining emotion is triggered to process systemic excitatory emotion that was initially triggered to process a negative event.
“Despair” (version 1) is input assessment that triggers attention boundary deadlock (inhibition of excitatory attention).
“Surprise” is an emotional engagement conflict in the decision to trigger emotion in response to information from beyond environment.
10. Inflation of emotion. The mind accumulates (closed-others = together) responses (closed-self).
“Arrogance” is an inflation of emotional activity triggered by self-evaluation.
11. Stabilization of emotional response. Attention-based balancing (closed-others assignment) applied to emotional response (closed-self). Note that this is a different realization of the same polarity pair used in inflation of emotion.
“Patience” is stabilization of emotional response activity that is triggered by continued attack.
12. Balancing application of emotional forces. This is the balancing (closed-others) application of emotional forces that is referred to by consonant tta. Depending on the context, this may either result in stabilization or evening out.
“Despair” (version 2) is an evening-out application of emotional forces between constructive and negative emotional forces. Despair is a conflict between competing emotional forces that are not exact polarity opposites.
“Stable faith” or “stable trust” is a stabilizing application of emotional forces implemented on faith or trust. This word root is compound in that it has tta as prefix to a three-consonant root that is equivalent to the word root for faith or trust.
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